AGHS Baseball Team ’22-’23


AGHS Baseball Team ’22-’23

With the seasons changing from winter to spring, that means it is now time for America’s favorite pastime, baseball! This year’s AGHS baseball team consists of four seniors: Evan McGee, Gavin Smith, Kaihden McKay, and Bryce Barton. Senior Gavin Smith is sure that this season will be “competitive” but believes that if he and his team play “fundamental baseball” they will be able to “bring some wins home.” Senior Kaihden McKay has “faith” for this season due to his “talented” teammates and he thinks they will be able to hold their own this year. Senior Bryce Barton is “excited for this upcoming season” and his senior year of baseball! He sees “a lot of potential” through some of the younger players and he knows that they will have fun while keeping their heads in the game. Senior Evan McGee is confident for the upcoming season and remarked that playing their team will be “like cutting onions” because they will make the other teams cry. The team’s head coach is Ron Popovich and he is assisted by the recent AG alumni, Nick Pegg. The team’s home field is located in German Masontown park, so if you have some free time this spring, swing by and catch an AGHS Baseball game!