Young Astronauts Club: Boat Float


On Thursday, April 27th the Young Astronauts Club had the opportunity to host another event for students in addition to their annual drop that was held in late February, a boat float competition! This event was made possible through the hard work of the Young Astronauts Club Officers: Chris Santos-president, Abby Barnes-vice president, Trevor Yuhanek-secretary, and David Layhue-treasurer. These students worked together with their sponsor, Mr. Revak,in organizing and planning this event. Participants were asked to design a boat-like contraption that would be able to float in a small pool of water and withstand its buoyancy as weight was added. This event took place in the band parking lot during periods 3 and 4. Judging was conducted by Mr. Revak and the Young Astronaut Club Officers where the participants were judged on which boat held the most mass, the highest ratio of mass held/boat mass, and the best design. Juniors, Cosimo Rich and Seth Wolfe won the award for having their boat hold the most mass. Senior David Layhue won the award for best design. Seniors, Olivia Sanders and Luke Pappas won the award for highest ratio of mass held/boat mass. Congrats to the students for their hard work and the Young Astronauts Club for holding the event!