National Honor Society at AGHS

National Honor Society at AGHS


The National Honor Society Chapter of AGHS has exciting news to share! The officers of the club: Landen Heeter-president, Gianna Valenti-vice president, Josh Dankle-secretary, and Nina Grimes-treasurer have been working with the administration and their sponsor, Mrs. Kopas, to develop a Keystone preparation/tutoring program here at the high school. Students who are taking the Keystone standardized tests in May have the opportunity to be tutored by senior NHS members in the following subjects: math, English, and biology. Tutoring will be held in Mrs. Kopas’ classroom during lunch periods: ⅚, 7, and 9. President Landen Heeter explains the reasoning behind this service project as our group “want[ing] to give back to our school before we depart from it, and what better way than to leave the gift of knowledge behind…” He hopes that our NHS group can leave the legacy of this tutoring program and that it can be expanded upon for years to come. Vice President Gianna Valenti is “honored” to represent her school’s NHS chapter as Vice President and is excitedly anticipating helping underclassmen to do their best on the Keystones. Secretary Josh Dankle believes that this tutoring program “is the best way to uphold the values that we represent as NHS members.” He also described that it is a “great thing to serve others, but even better to serve our school and set up our peers for success at the same time.” Treasurer Nina Grimes “hopes that this project will benefit the students as much as it will benefit the NHS community!” She also adamantly showed her pride at being part of such an amazing team of NHS officers and members. Please contact Mrs. Kopas for any further questions or comments!